If Clauses Exercises Pdf

If Clauses Exercises PDF

If clauses are a type of conditional sentence that is used to express a hypothetical situation or condition. The if clause is the part of the sentence that states the condition, and the main clause is the part of the sentence that states the result of the condition.

There are two main types of if clauses:

  • First conditional: This type of if clause expresses a real or possible condition. The main clause states the result of the condition if it is met. For example:

If I study hard, I will pass the exam.

  • Second conditional: This type of if clause expresses an imaginary or unlikely condition. The main clause states the result of the condition if it were to be met. For example:

If I had a million dollars, I would buy a mansion.

If clauses can also be used to express a variety of other meanings, such as:

  • Purpose: To express the purpose of an action. For example:

I am studying hard so that I can pass the exam.

  • Reason: To express the reason for an action. For example:

I am tired because I worked all day.

  • Concession: To express a concession, or an admission that something is true even though it is not what you want. For example:

Even if I don’t like the job, I will do it for the money.


  1. Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the verb in parentheses.

a. If I (study) hard, I will pass the exam.
b. If I (have) a million dollars, I would buy a mansion.
c. I am studying hard so that I (can pass) the exam.
d. I am tired because I (work) all day.
e. Even if I (not like) the job, I will do it for the money.

  1. Rewrite the following sentences using an if clause.

a. I passed the exam because I studied hard.
b. I bought a mansion because I had a million dollars.
c. I am studying hard in order to pass the exam.
d. I am tired because I worked all day.
e. I will do the job even though I don’t like it.

  1. Create your own sentences using if clauses. Be sure to use a variety of meanings, such as purpose, reason, and concession.

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