Telling The Time Exercises Pdf

Telling the Time Exercises PDF

Telling the time is an essential skill for everyday life. It helps us to manage our time effectively, meet appointments, and stay on schedule. There are many different ways to tell the time, but the most common is using a clock.


A clock is a device that measures and displays the time. Clocks can be analog or digital.

  • Analog clocks have a face with numbers and hands. The hands move around the face to indicate the time.
  • Digital clocks display the time in numbers.

Telling the Time on an Analog Clock

To tell the time on an analog clock, you need to know how to read the numbers and the hands.

  • The numbers on the clock face represent the hours.
  • The short hand indicates the hour.
  • The long hand indicates the minutes.

To tell the time, first look at the short hand. The number that the short hand is pointing to is the hour. Then, look at the long hand. The number that the long hand is pointing to is the minute.

For example, if the short hand is pointing to the number 3 and the long hand is pointing to the number 15, then the time is 3:15.

Telling the Time on a Digital Clock

To tell the time on a digital clock, simply read the numbers that are displayed.

For example, if the digital clock displays the numbers 10:30, then the time is 10:30.

Telling the Time in Different Time Zones

The world is divided into 24 time zones. Each time zone is one hour apart from the next. When it is 12:00 noon in one time zone, it is 11:00 AM in the time zone to the west and 1:00 PM in the time zone to the east.

To tell the time in a different time zone, you need to know the time difference between your time zone and the time zone you are interested in. You can find the time difference by using a time zone map or by searching online.

For example, if you are in New York City and you want to know the time in London, you would need to subtract 5 hours from the time in New York City. This is because London is 5 hours ahead of New York City.

Telling the Time Exercises

There are many different ways to practice telling the time. Here are a few exercises that you can try:

  • Look at a clock and try to tell the time without using your hands.
  • Set a timer for a certain amount of time and try to guess when the timer will go off.
  • Play a game of “What time is it?” with a friend or family member.
  • Use a time zone map to find the time in different cities around the world.

Helpful Websites and Files


Telling the time is an important skill that can be learned with practice. By using the resources provided in this article, you can improve your time-telling skills and become more confident in managing your time.

