Selam arkadaşlar, bu yazıda Windows’lu bilgisayarda matematik sembollerini yapmak ve kopyalamak için bilmeniz gereken klavye kısayol tuşlarını paylaşıyoruz.
Not: Word, Excel ve PowerPoint gibi Microsoft Ofis dokümanlarına matematiksel sembolleri ve formülleri eklemek için üst taraftaki menülerden Ekle > Denklem menüsünü kullanabilirsiniz.
Aşağıdaki tablonun ilk satırında yer alan Omega işaretini yapmak için Alt+969 kısayolu verilmiş. Bunun anlamı klavyede Alt tuşuna basılı tutarak Numpad bölümünden peş peşe 9, 6 ve 9 tuşlarına basmaktır. Numpad bölümü ise klavyenin sağındaki ayrı sayı tuşu takımıdır (sayı tablası).
Alt + Tuş | Sembol | Açıklama | |
Alt + 969 | ω | Small Omega | |
Alt + 961 | ρ | Small Rho | |
Alt + 960 | π | Small Pi | |
Alt + 956 | μ | Small Mu | |
Alt + 955 | λ | Small Lamda | |
Alt + 951 | η | Small Eta | |
Alt + 948 | δ | Small Delta | |
Alt + 947 | γ | Small Gamma | |
Alt + 946 | β | Small Beta | |
Alt + 945 | α | Small Alpha | |
Alt + 937 | Ω | Capital Omega | |
Alt + 934 | Φ | Capital Phi | |
Alt + 931 | Σ | Capital Sigma | |
Alt + 928 | Π | Capital Pi | |
Alt + 920 | Θ | Capital Theta | |
Alt + 916 | Δ | Capital Delta | |
Alt + 915 | Γ | Capital Gamma | |
Alt + 8967 | ⌇ | Wavy Line | |
Alt + 8966 | ⌆ | Perspective | |
Alt + 8965 | ⌅ | Projective | |
Alt + 8960 | ⌀ | Diameter | |
Alt + 8925 | ⋝ | Equals To Or Greater Than | |
Alt + 8924 | ⋜ | Equals To Or Less Than | |
Alt + 8923 | ⋛ | Greater Than Equals To Or Less Than | |
Alt + 8922 | ⋚ | Less Than Equals To Or Greater Than | |
Alt + 8846 | ⊎ | Union With Plus | |
Alt + 8809 | ≩ | Greater Than But Not Equals To | |
Alt + 8808 | ≨ | Less Than But Not Equals To | |
Alt + 8805 | ≥ | Greater Than Or Equals To | |
Alt + 8804 | ≤ | Less Than Or Equals To | |
Alt + 8746 | ∪ | Union | |
Alt + 8745 | ∩ | Intersection | |
Alt + 8726 | ∖ | Left Slash | |
Alt + 8725 | ∕ | Right Slash | |
Alt + 8723 | ∓ | Minus Or Plus | |
Alt + 8722 | − | Minus Sign | |
Alt + 8709 | ∅ | Empty Set | |
Alt + 8706 | ∂ | Partial Differential | |
Alt + 8260 | ⁄ | Slash | |
Alt + 61 | = | Equal | |
Alt + 247 | ÷ | Division | |
Alt + 215 | × | Multiplication Sign | |
Alt + 177 | ± | Plus Or Minus | |
Alt + 120539 | ? | Bold Partial Differential | |
Alt + 120538 | ? | Bold Small Omega | |
Alt + 120532 | ? | Bold Small Sigma | |
Alt + 120530 | ? | Bold Small Rho | |
Alt + 120529 | ? | Bold Small Pi | |
Alt + 120525 | ? | Bold Small Mu | |
Alt + 120524 | ? | Bold Small Lamda | |
Alt + 120520 | ? | Bold Small Eta | |
Alt + 120517 | ? | Bold Small Delta | |
Alt + 120516 | ? | Bold Small Gamma | |
Alt + 120515 | ? | Bold Small Beta | |
Alt + 120514 | ? | Bold Small Alpha | |
Alt + 120512 | ? | Bold Capital Omega | |
Alt + 120509 | ? | Bold Capital Phi | |
Alt + 120506 | ? | Bold Capital Sigma | |
Alt + 120503 | ? | Bold Capital Pi | |
Alt + 120495 | ? | Bold Capital Theta | |
Alt + 120491 | ? | Bold Capital Delta | |
Alt + 120490 | ? | Bold Capital Gamma | |
Alt + 10870 | ⩶ | Three Equals | |
Alt + 10869 | ⩵ | Two Equals | |
Alt + 10866 | ⩲ | Plus Sign Above Equals Sign | |
Alt + 10832 | ⩐ | Closed Union With Serifs And Smash Product | |
Alt + 10831 | ⩏ | Double Square Union | |
Alt + 10830 | ⩎ | Double Square Intersection | |
Alt + 10829 | ⩍ | Closed Intersection With Serifs | |
Alt + 10828 | ⩌ | Closed Union With Serifs | |
Alt + 10827 | ⩋ | Intersection Beside And Joined With Intersection | |
Alt + 10826 | ⩊ | Union Beside And Joined With Union | |
Alt + 10825 | ⩉ | Intersection Above Bar Above Union | |
Alt + 10824 | ⩈ | Union Above Bar Above Intersection | |
Alt + 10823 | ⩇ | Intersection Above Union | |
Alt + 10822 | ⩆ | Union Above Intersection | |
Alt + 10821 | ⩅ | Union With Logical Or | |
Alt + 10820 | ⩄ | Intersection With Logical And | |
Alt + 10819 | ⩃ | Intersection With Overbar | |
Alt + 10818 | ⩂ | Union With Overbar | |
Alt + 10817 | ⩁ | Union With Minus | |
Alt + 10816 | ⩀ | Intersection With Dot | |
Alt + 10815 | ⨿ | Amalgamation | |
Alt + 10811 | ⨻ | Multiplication Sign in Triangle | |
Alt + 10810 | ⨺ | Minus SIGN IN TRIANGLE | |
Alt + 10809 | ⨹ | Plus Sign In Triangle | |
Alt + 10808 | ⨸ | Circled Division Sign | |
Alt + 10807 | ⨷ | Multiplication Sign In Double Circle | |
Alt + 10806 | ⨶ | Circled Multiplication Sign With Circumflex Accent | |
Alt + 10805 | ⨵ | Multiplication Sign In Right Half Circle | |
Alt + 10804 | ⨴ | Multiplication Sign In Left Half Circle | |
Alt + 10803 | ⨳ | Smash Product | |
Alt + 10802 | ⨲ | Semidirect Product With Bottom Closed | |
Alt + 10801 | ⨱ | Multiplication Sign With Underbar | |
Alt + 10800 | ⨰ | Multiplication Sign With Dot Above | |
Alt + 10798 | ⨮ | Plus Sign In Right Half Circle | |
⨭ | Plus Sign In Left Half Circle | ||
⨬ | Minus Sign With Rising Dots | ||
Alt + 10795 | ⨫ | Minus Sign With Falling Dots | |
Alt + 10794 | ⨪ | Minus Sign With Dot Below | |
Alt + 10793 | ⨩ | Minus Sign With Comma Above | |
Alt + 10792 | ⨨ | Plus Sign With Black Triangle | |
Alt + 10791 | ⨧ | Plus Sign With Subscript Two | |
Alt + 10790 | ⨦ | Plus Sign With Tilde Below | |
Alt + 10789 | ⨥ | Plus Sign With Dot Below | |
Alt + 10788 | ⨤ | Plus Sign With Tilde Above | |
Alt + 10787 | ⨣ | Plus Sign With Circumflex Accent Above | |
Alt + 10786 | ⨢ | Plus Sign With Small Circle Above | |
Alt + 10781 | ⨝ | Join | |
Alt + 10780 | ⨜ | Lower Integral | |
Alt + 10779 | ⨛ | Upper Integral | |
Alt + 10778 | ⨚ | Integral With Union | |
Alt + 10777 | ⨙ | Integral With Intersection | |
Alt + 10776 | ⨘ | Integral With Times Sign | |
Alt + 10775 | ⨗ | Integral With Leftwards Arrow With Hook | |
Alt + 10774 | ⨖ | Quaternion Integral Operator | |
Alt + 10773 | ⨕ | Integral Around A Point Operator | |
Alt + 10772 | ⨔ | Line Integration Not Including The Pole | |
Alt + 10771 | ⨓ | Line Integration With Semicircular Path Around Pole | |
Alt + 10770 | ⨒ | Line Integration With Rectangular Path Around Pole | |
Alt + 10769 | ⨑ | Anticlockwise Integration | |
Alt + 10768 | ⨐ | Circulation Function | |
Alt + 10767 | ⨏ | Integral Average With Slash | |
Alt + 10766 | ⨎ | Integral With Double Stroke | |
Alt + 10765 | ⨍ | Finite Part Integral | |
Alt + 10764 | ⨌ | Quadruple Integral Operator | |
Alt + 10763 | ⨋ | Summation With Integral | |
Alt + 10762 | ⨊ | Modulo Two Sum | |
Alt + 10747 | ⧻ | Triple Plus | |
Alt + 10746 | ⧺ | Double Plus | |
Alt + 10689 | ⧁ | Circled Greater Than | |
Alt + 10688 | ⧀ | Circled Less Than | |
Alt + 10684 | ⦼ | Circled Rotated Division Sign | |
Alt + 10683 | ⦻ | Circled Cross Mark | |
Alt + 10682 | ⦺ | Circled Perpendicular | |
Alt + 10679 | ⦷ | Circled Parallel | |
Alt + 10672 | ⦰ | Reversed Empty Set | |
Alt + 10655 | ⦟ | Acute Angle | |
Alt + 10653 | ⦝ | Right Angle With Arc | |
Alt + 10652 | ⦜ | Right Angle With Square | |
Alt + 10624 | ⦀ | Triple Vertical Bar Delimiter | |
➗ | Bold Division |
Önemli Not: Bu yazı Google Gemini yapay zekası tarafından otomatik olarak oluşturulmuştur ve hatalı bilgiler içerebilir. Düzeltmek için iletişim sayfamızdaki formdan veya yine iletişim sayfamızda bulunan eposta adresi yoluyla bizimle iletişime geçebilirsiniz. Hata varsa hemen düzeltilmektedir.